If you have a soft spot for Paints, you are in the right place.


Our story

Horses are our passion.

I’m not the average horse person, I wasn’t born into horses. I won my first horse in a horse raffle at a rodeo when I was 12 years old!  I grew up in a non-horse family, and the only way I was going to get my first horse, was to win a horse in a raffle!  And that’s exactly what happened.  There’s no way to explain the emotions in this sentence, as I was horse crazy from the time I could speak, all I wanted was a horse, so from the time I got that raffle ticket, my focus was on winning that horse! A true testament to putting out your intention, that I would come to live by later in life!

I won second place, a grade solid sorrel paint filly who was in dire need of a loving home! She was emaciated to the point she was cow hocked, she was full of lice & had no idea what good feed looked like - she didn’t even know what grass was, as she was kept in a barn and yard full of mud for the duration of her young life (until she became mine). And we loved each other to no end!!!

From there, I started teaching myself how to train, I read every book, watched every video, and took in every bit of training I could afford. I rode my bike back and forth to the barn year round (I grew up in Prince George, BC) so this was through snow in the winter months, to feed, and water my horses before catching the school bus in the mornings, and after school every day, rain, snow, sleet, no matter what the weather, 7 days/week! As we all do as horse lovers! Before I was old enough to get an actual job to pay for my feed, and horse supplies, I mowed lawns, shoveled driveways, rooves, babysat, you name it, I did odd jobs for neighbours, to pay for my horses.

Horses taught me that I had a responsibility, someone always came before me. I’m so grateful for my horses & what they’ve taught me over the years. Each and every horse teaches me new things, each and every horse brings me new and different love, without losing the love I’ve had for the ones before. My horses have also carried me through the most difficult and darkest days of my life, I am forever grateful for having horses as my “steady” throughout the majority of my life - I would be completely lost without my equine partners.

After tragically losing my paint filly to a drunk driver 2 years later, we went and picked up Kings Poco Babe, a registered Quarter Horse bay filly 1985 model. Babe just passed away here on Nilson Farms in October, 2017 at 32 years old.  We kept 3 of her daughters, and they were all amazing mares too. However, we only have one left now & she too is now a senior and retired to the pasture.  “Babe” was an amazing mare who was a been there, done that kind of horse, who never stepped a lame step throughout her life! She went everywhere with me, and became my guide of what I expected out of all of my future horses. I cannot say enough about this mare, what an honor to own a mare of this grit. Words do not express the kind of amazement, the stories, the memories we will always have, and I will always cherish!

Our breeding program has evolved over the years as well, with horses coming, going, passing away & always wanting to continue to improve the breed.

I’ll leave it at that, welcome, and enjoy our website!



What colour(s) will your stallion throw?

Our Stallion Colours With A Streak Is HOMOZYGOUS for the TOBIANO gene, that means he will always throw a painted foal, regardless of what colour the mare is, he will throw a TOBIANO foal. Additionally, Colours With A Streak is BLACK BASE, he will only throw black base foals, GRULLO, BUCKSKIN, BAY, DUN, BLUE ROAN & BLACK foals

Do you offer shipping or delivery?

We offer delivery on occasion throughout BC and AB, please email us for a quote.

Do you offer shipped semen or AI?

Currently we do not offer AI or shipped semen, or breeding to outside mares.

Aside from foals, do you offer other animals for sale?

Yes, we occasionally offer mares and bred mares for sale, as well as mini donkeys, mini cows or calves.

I’m not the average horse person, I wasn’t born into horses, I won my first horse in a horse raffle at a rodeo when I was 12 years old! I grew up in a non-horse family, and the only way I was going to get my first horse, was to win a horse in a raffle! And that’s exactly what happened.”


- Lanna Nilson